jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

The Interruption (Tintern)

Let us breathe in the air that surrounds hostile winds
and in passion declare what is out and within
of the world that consumes what is precious to us
while it laughs it assumes that we've fallen across
a great path that encounters fat walls made of sin:
naked people hear blood, promiscuity grins...
And while danger surrounds our small circle of peace
and intends to destroy what makes errors decease,
someone shouts and in pain we move closely to hear
greater winds from a breath that makes fearless men fear.
So our circle is small and I know most have gone
to find ways to make weak those of us that are strong.
And we still hear them mock while we offer and kneel,
As we breathe and inhale what is truth, what is real.

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